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        念   ... https://714.hk/?300 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]                悲酥清风醉,落雨归鸟依。

[url][color=Red][b]        Wonderful tonight[/b][/color][/url]
[url][color=Purple][b]            梦未离,心不静。忘左,不知右,奈何...[/b][/color][/url]
          [color=Red][b] [/b][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][color=Blue]                 It's late in the evening.
         She's wondering what clothes to wear.
              She puts on her make up,
          and brushes her long blond hair.[/color]
    And then she asks me:"Do I look allright?"
  And I say:"Yes, you look wonderful tonight."
                  We go to a party,
          and everyone turns to see.
[color=DarkRed][b]This beautiful lady
              is walking around with me.[/b][/color]
     And then she asks me:"Do you feel allright?"
     And I say:"Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."
  [color=Red]I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes.[/color]
And the wonder of it all
         is that you just don't realize
                      [b]how much[color=Red]                   I love you ...
                  [color=Magenta]It's time to go home now.
          And I've got an aching head.
            So I give her the car keys,
              and she helps me to bed.
                And then I tell her,
                  as I turn off the light[/color]
                    [color=DarkRed]I said:"My darling, you were wonderful tonight"[/color]
 [color=Blue][b]"Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."[/b][/color]

GMT+8, 2025-3-29 03:36,Processed in 0.010134 second(s), 3 queries.

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