谷歌周四宣布,旗下Google Code服务从今日起将不再接受新项目的创建。待8月24日后,所有已创建的项目都将变为“只读”,即任何人都不再允许进行讨论或发布更新。直至2016 年1月25日,Google Code将全面下线。因此有需要的用户应赶在这一天前下载和备份有关项目的源码和资料。
Google Code发起于2006年,是一个为开源社区提供开发项目源码共享及讨论的平台。不过该平台推出后,谷歌鲜有为其更新。而同时一些像GitHub和Bitbucket等提供类似功能的平台迅速崛起,从而最终迫使谷歌选择关闭服务。
Bidding farewell to Google Code
Posted: Thursday, March 12, 2015
When we started the Google Code project hosting service in 2006, the world of project hosting was limited. We were worried about reliability and stagnation, so we took action by giving the open source community another option to choose from. Since then, we’ve seen a wide variety of better project hosting services such as GitHub and Bitbucket bloom. Many projects moved away from Google Code to those other systems. To meet developers where they are, we ourselves migrated nearly a thousand of our own open source projects from Google Code to GitHub.
As developers migrated away from Google Code, a growing share of the remaining projects were spam or abuse. Lately, the administrative load has consisted almost exclusively of abuse management. After profiling non-abusive activity on Google Code, it has become clear to us that the service simply isn’t needed anymore.
Beginning today, we have disabled new project creation on Google Code. We will be shutting down the service about 10 months from now on January 25th, 2016. Below, we provide links to migration tools designed to help you move your projects off of Google Code. We will also make ourselves available over the next three months to those projects that need help migrating from Google Code to other hosts.
March 12, 2015 - New project creation disabled.
August 24, 2015 - The site goes read-only. You can still checkout/view project source, issues, and wikis.
January 25, 2016 - The project hosting service is closed. You will be able to download a tarball of project source, issues, and wikis. These tarballs will be available throughout the rest of 2016.
Google will continue to provide Git and Gerrit hosting for certain projects like Android and Chrome. We will also continue maintaining our mirrors of projects like Eclipse, kernel.org and others.
How To Migrate Your Data Off Google Code
The simplest way to migrate off of Google Code is to use the Google Code to GitHub exporter tool, which provides an automated way to migrate a project’s source, issues, and wikis to a new GitHub repo. Please note: GitHub’s importer will convert any Subversion or Mercurial Google Code projects to use Git in the process.
We also offer stand-alone tools for migrating to GitHub and Bitbucket, and SourceForge offers a Google Code project importer service.
If you encounter any problems using these tools, please log issues with us, contact [email protected], or email me directly ([email protected]). We’ll also be closely tracking Hacker News, Reddit, and other popular forums to answer questions in public. We know this decision will cause some pain for those of you still using Google Code and we're sorry for that. We'll continue to do our best to make the migration process easy for you.
GitHub and Bitbucket are both looking forward to working with developers moving off of Google Code. They’ve been great to work with leading up to this announcement, so we’d like to thank those sites for their continued support of the community. There are some great options for people today that didn’t exist in 2006, and we look forward to helping you find the one that works for your project.
Chris DiBona, Director of Open Source