楼主: 猥琐中透着龌龊
[聊天] 追星吗?总觉得太疯狂的追星会被鄙视 |
That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
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That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
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That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
男儿两行泪,一行为苍生,一行为美人…… 演悲欢离合 当代岂无前代事 观抑扬褒贬 座中常有剧中人 |
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That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
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That should be me,holding your hand.(那个牵着你手的人应该是我)
萌哒哒= =
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