“I make terrariums simply because I want to, because it is pleasurable to do so. They express my love of plants and of life itself; they express my appreciation for the gift of the creativity with which I have been bestowed. They are not just about making things look nice or enticing so that people will want to buy them and keep Hermetica London going as a business, but I don’t mind if they succeed on that level too.”
“我制作盆栽(terrariums)单纯地因为我想要这么做,因为这么做会让我很开心。它们表达了我对植物和生活本身的热爱;它们表达了我对自己被赠予的创造力的感激之情。它们的存在并不只是因为我想做出一些好看或者有吸引力的东西,让别人把它们买回家,并使hermetica london(*作者在伦敦的花艺美学店)变成一门生意。当然我也不排斥它可以取得那种商业层面的成功。”(翻译来自美美滴Ciel)
摘自Ken Marten的某篇日记。字里行间都透露着对植物、对美的热情与执着,充满了艺术家的气质与情怀。
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