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已有 173 次阅读2014-10-13 08:41 | woolrich parka, tiffany collan

village elections to become farmers elite entertain activities. This phenomenon is summed up by some scholars as "no politics village." With the deepening of reform and opening up, the market deep into every corner of China,louboutin, the farmers put their attention shifted to fortune up, farmers' collective consciousness and awareness of the gradual disintegration of the villages,tiffany roma, especially in rural taxes and fees after cancellation, some new values rooted in the hearts of farmers will gradually: "If you can make money,piumino moncler, others do not care", "as long as you do not want me to pay, how do you want to have the line" This is not political,nike air max 95, etc. These political character, reflecting the small farmer production those features.

commercial civilization has changed the traditional social structure of China, but also for China's bureaucracy is not the same demands put forward, people are no longer satisfied to eat eat, people become taxpayers,giuseppe zanotti, the status of bureaucracy has also undergone a correspondingly change,moncler outlet, they not only have to treat the person - to perform the functions of management, but also to cure the people, by the taxpayer oversight. Today Chinese bureaucracy is still keen to treat the person, and suited,outlet tiffany, not willing to rule the people, because it did not understand the era of transition,barbour france, there is no need to find out exactly what kind of a modern society official Fan.German wind gentlemanThe so-called era of great change, that this era is not yet a truly modern society, nor is it a traditional society in the true sense, is converted to the modern era, which smells of old and new in this era, there are new from the old tradition new in the old.In traditional society, bureaucratic literati class is a social center.

believe in what German officials, advocating what Guanzhen really worth re-thinking.Governance and rule on the people whoBefore direct contacts between China and the West,woolrich donna, Chinese civilization faced challenges from neighboring civilizations, and even challenge from Indian Buddhist civilization, but Chinese civilization successfully saved the day, turning crises into opportunities, create new bureau. The introduction of Buddhism civilization, leading to the transformation of Chinese civilization gorgeous successfully constructed new forms of Chinese civilization. The so-called Neo-Confucianism, in fact, is not the original form of Chinese civilization, not Confucius old time look, but Neo does make Chinese civilization reached a whole new realm, is the logical result of the Chinese civilization.In the state agricultural civilization, China's bureaucracy is acting on behalf of the emperor, is the shepherd. The so-called Reign, that's what it means. In plain words, we should let the sheep sheep eat, eat. Pastoralists, is to let people live well,moncler shop online, peace of mind, satisfaction, do not rebel. Therefore,christian louboutin paris, the traditional Chinese occupation bureaucracy that Confucius said, excellent learning Shi. By Mencius as saying that Auntie who govern people, labor should treat others.Confucius, Mencius say are good, traditional society bureaucracy Haoshouqiongjing expectation is carp leaping, is pass the examination, which is the beginning of the career. Official Fan nothing else of that era, is acting on behalf of the emperor, is the sheep. So then the most important thinkers to explain what is China's Dong Zhongshu, when it plainly says China is sleep,christian louboutin soldes, sleep is unconscious. People do not need to suffrage, suggestions right, people just need to eat eat,tiffany collane, need good weather.Industrial civilization, commercial civilization is not the same. Industrial civilization.

eroded the foundation of rural social governance. But the village of Public Affairs somebody to complete, such as roads, repair drains, so the township level of government had to choose the village rich rule the village,boutique louboutin, they have the financial ability, economic status in the village,peuterey, easy to carry out some public service work. This creates a "rich rule the village," the village governance structure. And this structure gives people an underlying misunderstanding: the rich uncle is, the money just have to go on,woolrich parka uomo, money and power are inextricably linked. As everyone knows, this is the price of their non-political must pay.The foregoing analysis,giubbotto woolrich, the party's micro-circulation system is indeed out of the minor ailments, still belong to the "illness in Cou" stage, and it can only soup ironing. But it must be remembered: dead, the fear of the deep!(The author is Secretary-General of Public Relations Professional Committee of China Association of Higher Education)Official Fan era of great change, the official German and GuanzhenAuthor: Ma YongBureaucrats who do not know history, do not know of honor, and no thought for the future generations to leave a lot of ill-gotten gains, is not useful for future generations to accumulate wealth, but left a permanent wash countless untold evil, sin, shameTerms of historical background,spaccio peuterey, we are still in an era of great change today. Our success today is a gift of this era of great change, we have the problem that exists today, but also because this era of great change has not been completed. In such an era of great change is called "History of the Three Gorges", the Chinese salt of the earth "cadre" of this class should have a kind of official Fan.







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