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已有 219 次阅读2014-10-12 21:56 | louboutin prix, peuterey uomo

tend to think that is not normal, or even feel that they are not serious old . "high Mingxia said, it is precisely in this environment, sexual needs of the elderly tend to be depressed.But anyway depressed,nike air max 95, this demand in the subconscious or objective reality. "Therefore, once the elderly in the surrounding environment,nike blazer, the presence of such places and ways to provide sexual services, will exhibit inner needs, with a tendency to be hoped in this way to vent, resulting to meet their own needs. "Gao Mingxia said.Elderly objective existence of demand for high Mingxia recommend family.

"Right hand cut twice in the wrist bones were cut off into three pieces. Leg cut four knives,peuterey uomo, each knife will hurt to the bone." Miss Tang said, fortunately Kanxiang neck that knife, because she her fingers a bit, no harm arteries.Miss Deng did not know the assailant,louboutin prix, nor with human knot complain, why would she not think of each other so hard under her hand. "The police arrived at the scene retrieval of surveillance video through the day early morning put him caught." Miss Tang said.Yesterday afternoon, the reporter was informed from Haizhu police, police station the first time to the scene to dispose of the incident,christian louboutin clearance, the suspect will soon be controlled.(Original title: Drunk man knifed strange because the other woman "many saw his Yesterday, the newspaper "," the report revealed some middle-aged women Ningbo park for the elderly "sexual services." Reports have caused the local police's attention. Yesterday, Haishu District, Jiangdong District Public Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau were on this issue and make the appropriate arrangements to crack down on Jurisprudence behavior,giubbotti woolrich, but also citizens of a civilized and orderly,tn pas cher, safe and harmonious environment of the park.In addition,nike free trainer 5.0, behind this issue also reflects the objective existence of the physical needs of the elderly. "This problem is not caused by society's attention,escarpin louboutin pas cher, but will think even the existence of such ideas and needs of the elderly is not normal, is old is not serious." Yesterday, a psychological expert directly point out the root cause behind the phenomenon. � reporter Zheng Zhenguo intern GUO Chuan tooPhotography reporters loftyPolice take a variety of targeted measures to rectifyYesterday,louboutin boots, this newspaper reported the Zhongshan Park,toms wedges, the problems caused Haishu District Government, Haishu District Public Security Bureau Bureau leadership attaches great importance, held a special deployment will take a variety of measures to expand remediation.Reporters learned from the Drum Tower police station.

more than 300 people into the police force, arresting suspicious persons 8.Meanwhile, yesterday, Jiangdong District Government, Jiangdong District Public Security Bureau Bureau learned that this situation, the first time launched a special meeting to conduct a special deployment. However, that matter was exposed after the vigilance of those middle-aged women. After more than eight hours of waiting ambush, plainclothes yesterday 20:00,barbour international, seized one pair being carried out "obscene activities" middle-aged women and older men. Currently, the two have been brought back to the police station for investigation.Jiangdong Police said it would continue to strengthen the management and control area parks and other public places, the linkage communities,doudounes moncler, organizations coordinated red armbands patrol police patrol control and curb the formation of unhealthy society. Yesterday afternoon to night, Jiangdong District Public Security Bureau sent out a force of 280 people,woolrich outlet, to the region's parks and other public areas to conduct a special inventory, arrested four people.According to the reporter, fight against such acts, when in actual operation, the police also encountered some difficulties. Jurisprudence these acts against the elderly, find it easy,woolrich parka, but the evidence is difficult. In this, the police also hoped that once people found this behavior, can cooperate with the police and resolutely combat such behavior, so as to jointly safeguard the good park environment.Older people demand social understanding and guidance should be given toReporters learned that such a phenomenon, not only in Ningbo,piumini peuterey, other cities are also common. Yesterday, the reporter consulted on this issue Kai, director of the psychological counseling center in Ningbo, Ningbo University Mental Health Research Institute of Applied Psychology founder and promote high Mingxia base. "Currently, the community is generally ignored the sexual needs of the elderly, think older, the demand should not exist in this area, and once found the idea of � he elderly.

they will further strengthen the patrol strength and density, caught together, fight together. "First, we should focus on the fight against those women who, because they are the instigator; Second, the elderly but also education, guidance, resist the temptation of lust." Drum Haishu District police official told reporters on Saturday, police on In Zhongshan Park caught a pair of Jurisprudence personnel,giubbotto woolrich, such sexual services is carried out.Recently, the Drum Tower police will take action, and the joint forces to participate in all aspects of society, and resolutely crack down Jurisprudence gambling and other illegal behavior. Currently, the Drum Tower police station has been contacted streets, mobilizing volunteers, social workers stepped up patrols, joint social forces to participate. Zhongshan Park Service areas will increase security and strengthen patrols effectively curb such phenomena happen again. In addition, Haishu District Public Security Bureau said that in addition to Zhongshan Park, the district police had to all parks, plazas arrange intensive inspections. Up to now,barbour paris, the major Park Plaza Haishu police patrol more than 20 times.







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