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已有 129 次阅读2014-10-12 14:41 | tn requin, woolrich sito

condoned cabinet members and MPs of the party visited the Yasukuni Shrine act together and intensified the friction between Japan and China and South Korea and other Asian neighbors,woolrich sito ufficiale, destroyed the harmony and cooperation in the region. It also makes Japanese themselves into international isolation. Abe from the last administration has been advertised to sell "values � iplomacy",peuterey, but "aggression undefined" deals connivance "reference Jing" it lost its ethical standards, moral image greatly reduced. These performance epitomizes Abe's zero-sum game-style thinking, winner takes all style pragmatism thinking, and is wrong,jordan sneakers, good and evil, the lack of moral scale,giubbotti peuterey, the international community has thus deepened the Abe Cabinet for its future behavior to concern and anxiety.

in order to more fully reflect the spirit of the 2007 revised edition of "Fundamental Law of Education," the.And the revision of history textbooks,christian louboutin men shoes, the Japanese young generation to instill the wrong view of history echoes, Abe proposed to comprehensively review the Japanese government to reflect on the history of aggression,spaccio moncler, "the three talk" 1982 "Miyazawa conversation," and proposed to make the textbooks do not irritate neighbors ; 1993 "Kono Statement",woolrich italia, the forced recruitment of comfort women during the war, the Japanese apology; 1995 "Murayama talk",outlet moncler, reflecting Japan's war of aggression against neighboring countries and colonial rule,giuseppe shoes, and for the first time a clear apology to the victims in Asia. Abe respondent in the Senate Budget Committee,bracciale tiffany, said,chaussures louboutin, "aggression" is defined in the academic community and the international community are not conclusive,zanotti, (whether aggression) look at this question depends on which side. This "aggression undefined" theory Yiyanjichu immediately strongly denounced China and South Korea,piumini moncler outlet, and triggered international condemnation,tn requin, including United States and Europe, including public opinion."Aggression undefined" Theory and thereafter Abe encouraged.

and then on this basis will the Japanese forced recruitment of comfort women, such as the Nanjing Massacre completely erased from the textbooks. The demands of the Liberal Democratic Party, directly reflects the party president Abe's idea - make Japan into a "a confident nation."2007 Abe administration that dominated during the first revision of the "Law of Education" requirements "integration of traditional Japanese culture, patriotism and respect for local content such love in textbooks." Abe advocated "education reform" core goal is "to get rid of self-flagellation of history education." He repeatedly stressed that in the 21st century,veste barbour homme, to make the Japanese "for their country full of confidence and pride," "Japanese history, culture, there is a sense of pride." After coming to power again, Abe request to revise the textbook standards.

Abe turned to change strategy and try to "Explanatory constitutional" approach,moncler femme, that is, by changing the interpretation of constitutional principles and spirit,giubbotto peuterey, for the exercise of collective self-defense release.After Abe took office,cheap nike shoes, he repeatedly raised the Liberal Democratic Party led by the current history textbooks exist "masochistic view of history" (the so-called "self-deprecating view of history"), lack of patriotism, seeks to amend textbook standards, in particular the abolition of the Government of Japan in 1982 developed on textbook content must take into account the feelings of its Asian neighbors, "neighbor countries clause".







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